Dr Richard Massey
(Durham University)

Dr Massey’s subject matter was something we have visited several times over the years, what is stuff made of. Chemists would say elements; atoms molecules etc, Physicists would say;  muons, quarks, bosons, up and down particles etc.  Ask an astronomer and he would suggest 4% baryonic or ordinary matter, 23% dark matter and 73% dark energy! [Read more about Astromeet 2015 Lecture 2: What's the (Dark) Matter?]

Prof Tom Marsh
(Warwick University)

In the first of four summaries from Leeds Astromeet 2015, Mark tells us about Prof. Tom Marsh's talk, subtitled "Delving the depths of white dwarfs, neutron stars and black-holes".

Tom and his team specialise in the high-speed data acquisition and analysis techniques needed to track them. His major project of the last few years has been the use of ULTRACAM, a high-speed CCD camera, but is now working on a successor instrument, bigger and better, with more channels called HiPERCAM. [Read more about Astromeet 2015 Lecture 1: Astronomy at High-Speed]

Mark waxes lyrical (or dreams poetically) over the 2015 Society Christmas Dinner:

"A long time ago (about a year actually) in a galaxy far, far away, (truth be told it was really quite close, like this one) a party of intrepid rebels ventured forth to eat and be merry..."

Custom luxury comet building.The November meeting proved most educational and entertaining. After our usual look at the comings and goings in the heavens, society news and business etc, our attention turned to the more exotic and intoxicating.

Andi had prepared a presentation on Comets, to commemorate the 1st year anniversary of Philea landing on comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P). In particular Andi thought it would be informative and fun to make a comet in the classroom using ingredients that are now known to be found in comets. He had furnished everyone with a bucket, a bag, gloves and then the ingredients; among which... [Read more about 'Comet Ye' causes a stir]

For the final day of October you would be forgiven in thinking that summer had made an unscheduled return, such were the balmy conditions which coincided with both Goth weekend and the ‘Creatures of the Night’ event held at the Danby Moors Centre... [Read more about Danby Moors Centre Star Party]

The society Christmas meal has now been booked.  The venue is the Hare and Hounds in Hawsker, on Saturday December 5th for 19:30h Details of the menu are on our website.

As of going to press, 10 people have booked for the meal.  The menu choices have been passed on, so if anyone wishes to come along Tuesday 1st is the cut off date.

Travelling arrangements will be finalised at the December meeting (on the 1st) including picking up points and times. Andi and Mark usually act as the Taxi service, although we may book a taxi. [Read more about Christmas Meal 2015: Last Call]

Leeds Astromeet 2015

Four members (Andi, Keith, Lee and Mark) journeyed over to Leeds on a foul morning for this year’s Astromeet. Indeed even though Andi managed drop us off within just a few metres of the entrance, such was the intensity of the cloudburst at the time, we still got soaked... [Read more about Leeds Astromeet 2015]

On Halloween itself, as Whitby was overflowing with Goth Weekend revellers, WDAS Members headed out with scopes to Danby, where the North Yorkshire Moors National Park had laid on a family Halloween event... [Read more about Event write-up: Creatures of the Night, Danby]

Mark and Keith travelled over to Westerdale again on Oct 9th and were joined by John Randles to host an event at the village hall for pupils, parents and staff of Pathways School (Grangetown, Middlesbrough) along with children belonging to staff.  The event was requested by event Emma Shaw, a science teacher at the school whose parents live in Westerdale, and arose after Emma had heard about the success of our Westerdale star party in September... [Read more about Event write-up: Star Party for Pathways School]

Keith and Mark hosted a star party for pupils and staff at Fylinghall School on Oct 2nd.

Once again the weather played ball and although some wispy cloud developed, it soon dispersed allowing fine views of various objects through the LX 200 and Keith’s reflector.  Intended to last a couple of hours, the event went on until after 10pm, with a host of questions to answer.  The pupils certainly enjoyed the evening and from the reaction of the staff more astro related material may in future pop up in science lessons! [Read more about Event write-up: Fyling Hall School Star Party]
