If you have not already done so, would members please find time to sign the online petition – re light pollution, set up by Wakefield Astronomical Society.  This should have been sent via email to you already.  A link will be given on our website.  Ten thousand signatures (now reached!) are required for the Government to take note, and 100,000 for them to consider the subject for a parliamentary debate.  The closing deadline is July 22nd.  If you know anyone else who would be inclined to sympathise with the cause, get them to sign it too! [Read more about Light Pollution Petition]

What started out as a cloudy, chilly and blustery day, the evening seemed to be from a different season altogether, calm, clear and sunny. 

Having been at a birthday party, Mark rushed up to the headland on the west cliff, for what proved to be the most successful star party so far this summer.  The scopes were all deployed; the Moon was out, a few punters even managed to get a look... [Read more about Star Party: 18th June 2016]

The society has been invited to the NYM Park Fest day on Sunday 24th July, to be held at the Danby Moors centre. 

Predominantly a food and craft fair with a theme this year of ‘try something new’, we have been asked to provide some Mars bars, Galaxies, Milky Ways, Rocket biscuits and ‘planets’....  just joking.  We have though been tasked with solar viewing, scaled solar system demos and anything else that may be considered adventurous... [Read more about Park Fest – Danby Moors Centre]

Mark-less Star Party

14-May-2016: A picture of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016, taken by Warren on West Cliff.  (Actually there were definitely visitors: Warren was giving a sky tour when Andi made a brief visit during vote-counting.)

Well, would you believe it, a transit untroubled by the weather?  Yes, it was true, you weren’t dreaming, for all 7 and a bit hours, Mercury remained visible against the Sun’s disk, as hardly a cloud dared show its face in the sky.  Mark ventured up to the Whitby Youth Hostel with a couple of refractors, setting up in the rear garden in ‘most agreeable’ surroundings and a backdrop probably unmatched anywhere in the country, ie the Abbey. [Read more about Mercury Transits in Style]

The Transit Party at Whitby Youth Hostel did allow Mark to schedule in some star party dates there.  Both dates for May were clouded out, so the next date is June 10th (Friday) from 9pm – initially solar viewing, then lunar, and finally planetary observations. 

The following evening a star party is scheduled for the West Cliff as per usual.  Weather permitting of course. [Read more about WDAS News: Whitby Youth Hostel Events]

Initially requested by Libby Lavelle, assistant Head teacher of Ayresome Primary school in Middlesbrough, the original plan was to host a star party for her visiting group of two dozen 10 and 11 year old pupils at Whitby Youth Hostel, near the Abbey on March 29th.  This was however postponed on the night itself, the weather was lousy, but the forecast ahead looked promising... [Read more about Whitby YHA Event with pupils of Ayresome Primary School]

Four WDAS Members have already booked or the British Astronomical Association Summer Meeting in York on July 2nd.  If you'd like to go too, please contact andiatwhitby-astronomers.com and w [Read more about BAA Summer Meeting 2016: in York!]

Observatory Nights

Observatory sessions have been more successful in the March.  On Sunday 13th March there was an astro-photography session... [Read more about Observatory Nights]

Following our adventures down at the hostel in February, a sequel has been planned for April 5th (20:30pm start), assuming that is skies are not totally overcast or it’s raining, in which case the event is likely to be postponed.  If it is partly cloudy, so that observations are possible, the format will be similar to last time... [Read more about Boggle Hole Youth Hostel Event]
