Lots of Members couldn't make it to the WDAS February meeting, so here's a brief round-up of events:

  • How the night sky will change
    (Mark gave a Starry-night tour through the millenia showing how the stars and constellations will develop over the next ninety-eight millenia.)
  • Inflation's signature in doubt
    (Andi showed a film-strip of last year's most significant astronomical discovery, and explained how new data has caused the discovery claim to be withdrawn.

  [Read more about Society Meeting Write-up: February 2015]

Eskdale Star Evening

We have been invited to assist at the forthcoming ‘star night’ at Eskdale school on March 4th (the night after our March meeting).

The event, which will be similar to the one held 2 yrs ago at Eskdale, where I recall we tried in vain to spot comet Pannstars, will have the cosmodrome planetarium sited in the main hall. If skies are clear our scopes will be erected outside the back of the school, hopefully observing Jupiter, Orion etc.

If you can support the event, we aim to be there for around 18:30h. I believe hot soup, buns, tea and cakes will be available to warm the cockles should it be a chilly evening. The soup was most warming last time! [Read more about Eskdale Star Evening]

There is still time to renew annual subs before the next meeting if you havn’t already done so. Subs for 2015 are:

  • Adults: £12
  • Under 16s: £5  

Any Cheques made payable to: Whitby & District Astronomical Society. Please address to Mark. Anyone wishing to purchase a copy of Night scenes 2015;- hurry, only a few remain. These are priced £4 for members and £6 for non members. [Read more about Subscriptions and Night Scenes 2015 - Last Call]

WDAS Subs 2016

Please can any members who are intending to renew subs for the coming year, try to do so before the end of the month.  Subs will be held at current levels:

  • £12 for Adults
  • £6 for Under-16s

+ Night Scenes are £4.50 for Members [Read more about WDAS Subs 2016]

Night Scenes 2016

Paul Money at Astromeet, with Night Scenes 2015We still have a few copies of Night Scenes 2016 remaining.

The new expanded colour edition compiled by Paul Money, is really quite indispensable, packed full of information on the coming astronomical year.

Priced at £4.50 for members (£6.50 for non members) they are a bargain for any level of sky watcher.

[Read more about Night Scenes 2016]

WDAS Subs 2015

Thanks to all Members for supporting the Society over the past year.  Along with donations from visitors at star parties, your help and support has meant that hundreds of holiday-makers as well as cubs and scout groups, schools and residents of Whitby and surrounding villages have been able to share our delight in the night sky. 

It's been a fabulous year, which has seen the launch of a new-look newsletter, lots of improvements to the Society website, and increasing Members joining the WDAS monthly meetings.  That's not to mention our participation in Whitby Festival, Whitby Regatta, Science Week, joining in Leeds Astromeet and other Societies' events, and - hey - a great Christmas Party together.

Now that we're into 2015, WDAS Subs for the new year are due, giving you the thrill of supporting WDAS for a whole new year of excitement!  Thanks indeed to all the Members who have already paid. [Read more about WDAS Subs 2015]

A while after the Christmas Meal at the Hare & Hounds, Mark received found this write-up by a curmudgeonly old Scrooge, lying below his letter-box...

  [Read more about WDAS Christmas Meal 2014: Write-up]

 Astromeet Lecture - When Galaxies CollideAt one point it could have run to three cars, but in the end five WDAS members made the journey over to Leeds squeezing into just one -  Andi's car - for Astromeet 2014.

The slightly 'quicker detour route' around Pickering proved 'deer-less' this year, much to our disappointment and arrival at Leeds university was bang on 09:40h - as per usual... [Read more about Leeds Astromeet 2014 - Mark’s Journal (so far)]

If you still wish to come along to the Christmas Meal (and we believe there are a few who do) please let Mark know before December 4th, along with your menu choices

As of going to press there are 10 confirmed for the Christmas meal: Andi, Andy L, Ian D, John T and Sue, Mark, Keith, Phil, Rosemary and Victor (all with menu choices). 

The date is Dec 12th for around 7:15pm.  It has been provisionally booked for up to fifteen.  We shall sort out transport ideas at the December monthly meeting. [Read more about Christmas Meal 2014 - Last Call]

WDAS Meeting Agenda

Don't forget the December 2014 WDAS meeting.

This month:

  • Mark gives us an in-depth look at hot star cluster The Pleiades
  • Andi gives an update of Astro-News, including the Rosetta/Philae mission so far - with 3D images and animations, no less! (3D glasses supplied)
  • As well as a tour of the Christmas sky, now, and then;
    and Society business for December.
