WDAS Subs 2015

You have the snazzy new-style newsletter; and now here comes ther reminder to WDAS  Members about subscriptions for 2015, which are now due for renewal and will be held at the current inflation-busting levels as last year. [Read more about WDAS Subs 2015]

Night Scenes 2015

Paul Money at Astromeet, with Night Scenes 2015We caught up with Paul Money at Astromeet, and now have in our possession 20 copies of Night Scenes 2015... and it’s fair to say there’s quite a lot to look forward to next year.

So for an in depth preview of celestial events next year reserve your copy now. First come, first serve, as usual, Booklets are priced at £4 for members and £6 for non members. [Read more about Night Scenes 2015]

WDAS Monthly Meeting

It was a very encouraging turnout for our first meeting of the ‘new season’, and a new format as well. Apart from usual society news and business and a review of the night sky using Sky pro plus 7, each monthly meeting will also feature ‘mini’ presentations on a particular item relating to astronomical news and events, or a more in depth look at a particular celestial object, theory, or topic.

Last month Andi gave a short, but very interesting presentation on NASA's Grail Mission, and its discovery of a huge rift valley on the moon.  This month... [Read more about WDAS Monthly Meeting]

Night Scenes 2015

Night Scenes 2014We have ordered 20 copies of Night Scenes 2015. Compiled by Paul Money, who will hopefully be coming up to speak in spring 2015. All who purchase NSC will know it to be an indispensable colour almanac/ booklet, packed full of information on the coming year’s monthly celestial highlights. The price will be £4 to paid up members, £6 for non members. [Read more about Night Scenes 2015]

The final scheduled event of the summer (Sept. 20th) fell victim to quite unseasonably chilly and blustery conditions, with cloud scudding in off the sea, not really conducive for public viewing.

A week later summer had returned and an unscheduled event took place on the 27th. [Read more about WDAS September 2014 Star Parties]

After a predominantly overcast day, and some pessimism about prospects of being able to view anything outside, wouldn't you know it, skies cleared as forecast and remained clear for the duration of the event at Westerdale, making our journey very much worthwhile.

The sky was quite magnificent from the venue of the village hall car park. Quite a posse of members made it with just the one navigational miscalculation, although I believe Warren enjoyed the very scenic route... [Read more about Westerdale Star Party on 13th September 2014]

After August’s full moon wash out, would September’s fare any better?

Initially things looked promising and we would get to view thmoon rising over the east horizon. However it became evident that by the time of moonrise, cloud in the wrong place was going to spoil the party.

Society and members of the public alike gathered around Cpt Cooks statue passing the time by trying to estimate/gauge just where the moon might appear. And then ... [Read more about September 2014's Mega-Moon Party]

Leeds Astromeet

Leeds Astromeet is on Saturday 8th November 2014.  Featuring speakers talking on:

  • The formation of planetary nebulae
  • Vesta: the key to early asteroid history’
  • When galaxies collide’
  • Edmond Halley: astronomer, geophysicist and sea captain

Tickets are again just £10 (£5 concessions).  WDAS Members will be travelling in a number vehicles leaving from the Whitby School Car Park at 08:00h.  If you'd like to travel with us please let Mark know, to make sure of a place... [Read more about Leeds Astromeet]

A week before this event most of the weather forecasting sites were predicting overcast skies for August 30th, a little disheartening, so it was under almost crystal clear skies that society members journeyed in convoy (sort of) over to Robin Hood’s Bay for the annual Hook’s House Star Party! ... [Read more about Hook’s House Star Party: the night the stars came out]

With the latter part of the summer stuck in vintage unsettled weather mode, it’s a case of making every opportunity of a fine evening when it comes along. Wednesday 6th of June was such an occasion, and an unscheduled star party was held on the cliff. How often do such events turn out to be rather successful? Quite often. [Read more about WDAS August Star Parties]
