Blimey O’ Reilly, I don’t believe it, skies were actually clear for one of this year’s astronomical highlights, so I hope you set the alarm and viewed it. 

I had set my camera and tripod up the previous evening, so when the phone alarm jolted me out of my slumber around 04:45h, I only had to don some warm attire and wander out into the back garden to view proceedings... [Read more about Lunar Total Eclipse – Report by Mark Dawson]

On Saturday 2nd February 2018, we shall, weather permitting, be called in to action again at the Danby Moors Centre, for their Dark Skies Week event. The date coincides with the schools half term.  This is their ‘flagship event’ and if skies are clear we shall need assistance from members regarding scopes/transport, similar to the event held last October... [Read more about Danby Moors Centre: Dark Skies Night]

It’s that time of year again when half term holidays coupled with dark nights, will hopefully coincide with clear skies, so we have a busy few days at the start of March.  First up is Fyling Hall School on Friday 1st March.

Inspired by the North York Moors National Park’s Dark Skies Festival, Fyling Hall School have invited us to host their very own Stargazing Party... [Read more about Fyling Hall School: Dark Skies Night]

There are not too many copies of night scenes 2019 remaining.  If you would like a copy it’s just £4 to society members and £6 otherwise.  They are an indispensable guide for the astronomical year ahead, so don’t delay, once gone that’s it. [Read more about Night Scenes 2019 – a few left!]

Bruce Observatory

Essential work on the Bruce Observatory is once again required in order to maintain the integrity of the building itself. 

The telescope and mount itself is in pretty good working order (maybe a good clean required) but the shutters, guttering, south side wall, dome felting and exterior laths all require attention.  [Read more about Bruce Observatory]


Did anyone spot any Geminid meteors?

(Publisher’s note: Andi in Tenerife raises his hand, smugly.)

The evenings (and early part of the mornings) on the relevant dates, were pretty cloudy.  The dawn of the 14th was clearer, but at 06:45h skies were beginning to lighten and Mark only saw two (one of these wasn’t a Geminid), so hopefully someone may have fared better. [Read more about Geminids]

Christmas Meal 2018

This year’s society Christmas meal at the Hare and Hounds was once again a convivial occasion.  Nine members made it to the festive banqueting table, the taxi service provided by Mark and Saul ran like clockwork, shaming the normal taxi services... [Read more about Christmas Meal 2018]

We now have 25 copies of Night Scenes 2019, and are beginning to distribute them. 

The good news is that they are just £4 to paid up society members (or those renewing) and £6 for non members.  They are without doubt the best glossy colour astronomical almanac on the market, quite simply indispensable for the coming year. [Read more about Night Scenes 2019 (have arrived!)]

We have now booked the Hare and Hounds for Dec 1st for 19:00h.  The booking is for up to 15 people, give or take, so it will be first come first serve.  A pre order of menu choices will be required a week before the date. [Read more about Society Christmas Meal 2018]

Night Scenes 2019

We will be putting in an order for 25 copies of Night Scenes 2019, however they are not expected out until late October/early November, so we may have to be a little patient. The price may also have increased, though perhaps not to the stated price on the Astrospace website, (Paul normally does us a deal) If you want to reserve a copy please let Mark know. [Read more about Night Scenes 2019]
