Danby Dark Sky Event

After a mild week of clear evenings, it was on the cards that for the weekend of the half term ‘dark sky’ event at the Danby Moors Centre, an arctic plunge would complicate matters.  Chilly, blustery, showery conditions are not conducive for observing outdoors.  Therefore the decision was taken to host an indoor presentation for the 55 or so people who had booked to come along.  Although conditions did improve marginally, it proved to be the correct choice. [Read more about Danby Dark Sky Event]

And finally...

...we shall again be organising a WDAS Christmas meal for members and their friends, spouses, etc.  We are probably looking at The Hare and Hounds in Hawsker again.  We shall discuss at the October meeting.  Conformation of date will then be in November’s notes. [Read more about And finally... ]

In terms of observing success, if conditions had remained as per the early part of summer, it would have been A*.  [Read more about Summer: Mini bite Assessment]

This is part of the Dark Sky festival involving all the North York Moors dark sky sites.  We shall be hosting the event for Danby Moors Centre on October 27th.  [Read more about N.Y. Moors National Parks: Dark Sky Evening]

The society meetings restart in October, the first being on Tuesday 2nd.  We shall be looking back over the summer activities, and looking ahead to future events, both this year and next (our 25th).

Naturally, the Starry Night program will be utilised, and some thought will be given to some upcoming phenomena.  Hope you will be able to join us (see WDAS diary for venue and time etc). [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings – recommence]

Leeds Astromeet R.I.P.

It looks as though for the foreseeable future the Leeds Astromeet has fallen by the wayside, mainly due to expenditure and new university rules. 

There may be a chance of it being resurrected in a different format and at a different venue in the future, but as the last one held in 2016 apparently ran at a loss, Leeds AS are in no hurry to repeat the exercise. (^p^) [Read more about Leeds Astromeet R.I.P.]

Even though our society is a fully paid-up member of the Federatation of Astronomical Societies, the annual FAS convention is an event we have never previously attended, primarily because it is more often than not held in places too far from Whitby to be reasonably reached with a ‘days’ time frame’. 

For their 2018 convention however, the FAS ventured North, hosting the event at York University on Sept 22nd, so it was too good an opportunity to miss....and we very nearly did, given the relatively short notice publicising the event.  Delays in emails sent out being attributed to the search for a venue at a reasonable hire cost, a factor which has seen a number of lecture meets (including Leeds Astromeet) fall by the wayside in recent years... [Read more about FAS Convention 2018 (at York University)]

We're looking for a Member who can help-out with taking photos at WDAS events.  Benefits include: [Read more about Are you handy with a camera?]

Westerdale Event

Another ‘will it, wont it’ evening, for our visit to Westerdale on September 14th, which in some respects was similar to the Hook’s house event.

Setting off from Mark’s in a two-car convoy, managing to shoehorn in the LX 200, Mark’s dobsonian, a small refractor, John L, Keith, Barabara, and a couple of Marks, we arrived at the village hall with already a gathering at the car park.  Westerdale legend and fellow member John Randles was on hand as usual, and it was nice to meet Nola, who had organised the event at that end... [Read more about Westerdale Event]

This year’s event proved to be another great success, even though skies didn’t entirely play ball.

Having met at Mark’s to sort out equipment and who was going with whom etc, eight members travelled over in convoy to Robin Hood Bay, arriving in good time at the campsite.  A bank of cloud in the west just couldn’t make its mind up which way to trundle, but skies to the south, east and northeast remained pretty clear at the start... [Read more about Hook’s House Farm event]
