Observatory Nights

It’s been a pretty frustrating winter and early spring with regard to Sunday evening observatory sessions, averaging out at just over one a month... "poor".  Still, we have managed to get up in the last few weeks... [Read more about Observatory Nights]

The ‘summer‘ star party season is almost upon us and as per other years we shall be hosting events from the Captain Cook headland area – West Cliff and some from the Archery Green area later in the summer... [Read more about Event Horizon – future Star party events]

Having not had much feedback regarding which date would be more suited best suited to members, and with the need to clarify a few matters with Sean regarding Health and Safety, a decision will be made at the monthly meeting on May 1st or failing that on the night of Paul Money’s lecture on the 8th[Read more about Boulby mine – Dark Matter Facility visit]

The now annual visit to the Whitby Youth Hostel by visiting pupils from Ayresome Primary School in Middlesbrough coincided with the early Easter holidays, a period which is often susceptible to the weather, and so it proved with cloud and or rain for much of the week.  Fortunately Thursday 5th was the exception and clear skies during the day lasted into the evening (more or less), making observation possible for the 3rd year in succession... [Read more about Ayresome Primary School visit - Whitby Youth Hostel]

Paul Money Lecture

After a 3 year break, all being well Paul will return to Whitby on May 8th to give a presentation on the Voyager.  Entitled “Triumphs of Voyager Part 1: Journey to Jupiter / Splendours of Saturn”.  This was planned for last year but due to family illness at the last minute, Paul was unable to make it.  Apparently though this talk has now become one of his most popular, along with part 2 of the voyager story.  It promises to be a very entertaining evening. [Read more about Paul Money Lecture]

May Meeting

Please don’t forget that our May meeting falls on the first day of the month; Tuesday 1st and just 12 days after the April meeting, which due to the college holidays could not be held until after midmonth! [Read more about May Meeting]

Following recent further correspondence with Dr Sean Paling regarding a visit to DMF at Boulby, it has been established that Friday’s are difficult for Sean and his team.  We're discussing other dates...

  [Read more about Boulby Mine – Dark Matter Facility visit]

Paul Money Talk 2018

After a 3 year break, all being well Paul will return to Whitby on May 8th to give a presentation on the Voyager probes to coincide with their 41st launch anniversary.  Entitled “Triumphs of Voyager pt 1: Journey to Jupiter/Splendours of Saturn”, it promises to be every bit as informative and entertaining as Paul’s other talks... [Read more about Paul Money Talk 2018]

Just to reminder that we shall be hosting a star party event for visiting pupils from Ayresome Primary School & Lego Innovation Studio up at the Whitby Youth Hostel on April 3rd 2018...

And the Star Party season on the West Cliff will commence from May...  [Read more about Event Horizon – Future Star Party Events]

After been contacted by Elizabeth Labelle, Assistant Head Teacher (Phase3) of Ayresome Primary School & Lego Innovation Studio, we shall be hosting an event for visiting pupils up at the Whitby Youth Hostel on April 3rd /4th You may recall we did a similar event last yearThe start time is around 20:15h. [Read more about Star party, Visits and Events]
