This year’s summer star party season was kind of a reverse to last year.  The early and middle parts were particularly plagued by ill-timed spells of unsettled weather, most of which settled over us on scheduled event evenings! 

Our Regatta events hardly got off the ground, although strong winds certainly carried plenty of other stuff off the ground.  There were no sunspots again and the Perseids were clouded out, as well as subjected to strong moonlight.  [Read more about Overall Summer Assessment]

This is part of the Dark Sky festival involving all the North York Moors dark sky sites.  We will be hosting the event for Danby Moors Centre on November 2nd.  The public book to attend the event, but places at the Danby Moors Centre are limited to 60.  The event is now due to start at 18:00h and not at 18:30pm as previously stated. We are therefore looking to be on site by 17:45h (setting off no later than 17:20h)... [Read more about North Yorkshire Moors National Parks: Dark Sky Evening]

Westerdale Star Party

With heavy rain showers peppering much of the country, the outlook for the annual Westerdale event did not look overly encouraging.  Having packed a couple of the manual ‘Dobs’ into Mark’s Car; just in case, together with all the ‘plan B’ equipment for the indoor presentation, Mark and Keith set off for the Village hall in yet another deluge.  It soon became apparent looking at the skies on the way over, that there was a chance of being able to observe something after all... [Read more about Westerdale Star Party]

This event was requested over a year ago by the Women’s Institute, but the actual composition and likely format it would follow only emerged on the day itself.  In other words the weather decided what was possible on the evening, and although the heavy rain which fell for much of the afternoon had ceased, it was still cloudy!.. [Read more about Women’s Institute Event]

West Cliff Events

The following three Saturday evening star party events from the West Cliff, had varying success.  The event on the 6th proved reasonable, The following Saturday cloud prevented any direct observations although, the rising moon adjacent to the Abbey was a hit with the photographers until it disappeared in cloud... [Read more about West Cliff Events]

Early weather forecasts for the Hooks house event initially looked rather unfavourable, however, predicted heavy showers failed to materialise and by late afternoon it looked more likely skies would clear and so it proved.  It was not though the balmy conditions we had enjoyed just a week earlier for the bank holiday, the northern air mass brought with it a decided chill, the kind that a warm padded coat only alleviated... [Read more about Hook’s House Farm Event]

Future Events

The society is delighted to announce its involvement in the inaugural Star Gazing weekend, hosted by Vicky and Colin of the Fox and Hounds, Ainthorpe, near Danby. [Read more about Future Events]

We have a number of star party events to look forward to in the Autumn.  They include: [Read more about Further dates - Autumn 2019]

Booked over a year ago – this will be held (weather permitting) on the Archery Green, West Cliff on Sept 24th from 19:00-21:00h.  If cloudy/rainy we will be setting up in the Spa Pavilion for plan B or C.  Plan A is to be on the Archery green for 18:45h. [Read more about Women’s Institute Star Party]

Westerdale Event

Our annual jaunt over to Westerdale is towards the end of September this year on Friday 27th.  The start time is 19:00h finishing around 22:00h at the latest.  If skies are clear it should be an excellent evening with dark skies and some familiar faces to meet once again.  If you are intending on coming along meet at Mark’s for 18:15h. [Read more about Westerdale Event]
