Monthly meetings of WDAS will resume at Caedmon College - Normanby Campus on Tuesday October 4th from 19:30hrs.   [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings and Observatory Open Nights Resume . ]

A new astro-convention will take place this October organised by Brian Jones, editor of the Yearbook of Astronomy. Called the Yearbook of Astronomy Convention, it will feature guest speakers and is hoped to become an anual event ... [Read more about Yearbook of Astronomy Convention - 2022-update]

Monthly meetings of WDAS will resume at Caedmon College - Normanby Campus on Tuesday October 4th from 19:30hrs.   [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings Resume and Observatory Open Nights. ]

Weather permitting; Autumn 2022 should be a busy period with plenty on offer to observe and some excellent  locations to observe from. We start at Hook's House Campsite...   

  [Read more about Star Party/Society Schedule - September ]

Whitby Regatta; so often coincides with a mixed, unsettled  weather, but with near heat wave conditions forecast this year confidence in hosting a full programme of Regatta events was high. So did matters work out that way ... well not quite. [Read more about August Events - Regatta - A retrospective view. ]

August tends to be a busy month - skies are darker earlier for one reason. Decent, warm conditions are another factor and we have some planets to observe now. Would cloud stay away, or spoil the party. [Read more about Star Party Reports -Aug 6th, 20th, 26th & 28th ]

A new astro-convention will take place this October organised by Brian Jones, editor of the Yearbook of Astronomy. Called the Yearbook of Astronomy Convention, it will feature guest speakers and is hoped to become an anual event ... [Read more about Yearbook of Astronomy Convention - 2022-update]

August is expected to be somewhat busier on the star party front than the past two months, with darker skies and planetary offerings - weather permitting.  

  [Read more about Star Party Schedule - August ]

Star Party - Report

Due to circumstances beyond our control; ie light evenings and lack of planets, star parties have been few and far between. That said a successful event on July 9th, meant a 100% star party success rate this summer ...   [Read more about Star Party - Report ]

Brian Jones, the Editor of the Yearbook of Astronomy has organised a convention, called the Yearbook of Astronomy Convention, which he hopes will become an annual event and will include guest speakers... [Read more about Yearbook of Astronomy Convention - 2022]
