Monthly meetings of the WDAS occur on the first tuesday of each month (October thru April) You can locate us at Caedmon College - Normanby Campus. The next meeting is on TuesdayFebruary 7th from 19:30hrs.   [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings and Observatory Open Nights ]

WDAS member's subs are currently up for renewal, as well as joining subs for new members for the coming year. See inside for details... [Read more about WDAS Subs renewal/joining fee for 2023]

Our first outreach event of the New Year had been requested by Lythe Primary School Academy.  It was an event which nearly had to be postponed ... 





  [Read more about Star Party News - Lythe School Event. ]

The New Year already has several events lined up, both new and established - weather permitting or plan B will be invoked. 





  [Read more about New Year Star Party Schedule ]

How time slips by, as once again society members gathered in the Hare and Hounds for a festive feast, this one marking a special date.   [Read more about Society Solstice Celebration Meal 2022]

Society subscriptions are now due for members wishing to renew subs and for anyone wanting to join the society. Subscription rates will be as follows... [Read more about WDAS Subs renewal/joining fee for 2023]

Monthly meetings of the WDAS have now resumed. You can locate us at Caedmon College - Normanby Campus. The next meeting is on Tuesday January 10th from 19:30hrs.   [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings and Observatory Open Nights ]

The next edition of the Yearbook is now out - The Yearbook of Astronomy 2023. If you would like a copy... [Read more about Yearbook of Astronomy 2023]

Monthly meetings of the WDAS have now resumed. You can locate us at Caedmon College - Normanby Campus. The next meeting is on TuesdayDecember 6th from 19:30hrs.   [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings and Observatory Open Nights ]

The WDAS society Christmas meal has been booked, so if you would like to attend, please read on.   [Read more about Society Solstice Celebration Meal 2022]
