August, as always, is shaping up to be a busy month for Star Party least on paper.  The Regatta, darker skies, school holidays, Perseids and planetary offerings, ensure a decent recipe for it to be so - weather permitting of course! [Read more about Star Party Schedule - August ]

Ambitious plans have been draughted for an observatory at the Danby Lodge Visitors Centre designed to capitalise on the Dark Sky Reserve status awarded to the North Yorkshire Moors National Parks in 2020...

  [Read more about Danby Centre Observatory Project...]

Following the 'heat-wave' star party on June 24th, would the star party on July 1st take place under similar conditions?  And would the success rate continue for the July 29th event?  [Read more about Star Party Report - July]

Coming soon - Exciting plans for observatory at the Danby Moors Centre and the societies role in the project - details next month!   [Read more about Danby Centre Observatory Project...]

Anyone wanting to join the society. Subscription fee's are as follows... [Read more about WDAS New Members Fee for 2023]

Following a particularly fine and settled spell - would mother nature continue to smile upon us for the 'solstice' star party event in June, or would she snarl and bare her teeth... [Read more about Star Party - Report - June]

Anyone wanting to join the society, details are as follows... [Read more about WDAS New Members Fee for 2023]

After a rather poor spring - too often cloudy, our first scheduled star party of the 'summer recess' on May 26th from the West Cliff coincided with an improvement in the general weather pattern.  A few society members, and the odd holiday maker took advantage.    [Read more about Star Party - Report and Schedule ]

The 'Welcome in Spring' Star Party at the Fox and Hounds - Ainthorpe, on Friday April 7th, unfortunately fell victim to cloud.   [Read more about Fox and Hounds - Spring Evening under the Stars clouds ]

Monthly meetings of the WDAS occur on the first Tuesday of each month from October to May, college opening hours and holidays permitting.  You can locate us at Caedmon College - Normanby Campus.  We have one meeting left - on May 16th - not the 2nd as stated last month.  [Read more about Monthly Meeting in May Rescheduled ]
