Regatta Solar Viewing

WDAS Members joined in daytime Whitby Regatta activities with two solar viewing events.  In that rare regatta combination of clear skies and an active sun, this year's visitors saw plenty of sun spots... [Read more about Regatta Solar Viewing]

Regatta Star Party

The end-of-month updates will surely give much more detail on the Regatta events, but in there mean time here are some pictures from Saturday's Solar Viewing and Star Party, before the storm which put pay to Sunday's planned events... [Read more about Regatta Star Party]

W.D.A.S. Members have long enjoyed our monthly newsletter with Sky Notes, Society News, Event Write-ups and Forthcoming Events.  For the longest time Mark laboured long each month on the newsletter and then pedalled, drove and (in extreme weathers) swam far abroad making deliveries.

Since last year, we have been gradually increasing the newsletter content on the website.  And since the beginning of this year newsletter deliveries switched to e-mail.  Now we have the technology to bring website and newsletter together!

From next month... [Read more about Newsletter and Website Membership]

Summer Star Parties

The weather hasn’t been bad at all, in general, with some really clear nights in which to observe, especially mid week. The problem being Star Parties at this time of year are nearly always at the weekend, so I guess we have been unlucky in that still only one event has gone ahead. [Read more about Summer Star Parties]

So far our only star party to go ahead this summer, but it was rather a successful one. [Read more about June 7th Star Party Event]

No snow to accompany Paul this year, although the rain and fog/mist did try to make up for this! Still, Paul made it safe and sound for his 16th visit to deliver the WDAS ‘inspire’ lecture. A last minute problem with the room projector (indeed an ongoing problem not made aware to us until Paul was in the room) almost caused a halt to proceedings before we had even started. [Read more about 2014 Paul Money Lecture]

This Year,  National Astronomy Week  2014 celebrated Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System, which reached its highest point in the sky for many years in early March. NAW ran from March 1st -8th [Read more about National Astronomy Week 2014]

Science Week Events

Hot on the heels of NAW, science week followed all too quickly. Surprisingly, both nights (Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th) turned out pretty clear and therefore observing was possible. The event on the 18th at Whitby College saw Dr Sean Paling give an updated presentation on the search for Dark Matter- still not found! Afterwards people were treated to views of Jupiter through the observatory scope.                                                                                                                                                                [Read more about Science Week Events ]

No, we haven't forgotten, however this year’s Easter lecture is actually nearer to the summer solstice! [Read more about Paul Money Lecture 2014]

WDAS "New Year Meal"

WDAS Christmas Meal 2013Our ‘oft’ postponed Christmas meal bash finally went ahead on Jan 24th. [Read more about WDAS "New Year Meal"]
