Together with other events at Dalby Forrest and Sutton bank, this was part of the NY National park’s dark sky awareness programme.  February is always a tricky month weather wise, it could be anything, so it came as a relief that Saturday 17th proved to be a pretty quiet, clear day, a little chilly, but you expect that. [Read more about Danby Moors Centre – Dark Sky Party]

This was a last minute event – organised by the youth hostel.  Conditions on the evening were actually very good with clear skies and little wind.  Initially we thought hardly anyone was going to turn up, but by 18:30h a sizeable gathering had mustered on the front quadrangle in front of the Abbey Visitor centre... [Read more about Dark Sky Week – Whitby Youth Hostel Event]

Night Scenes 2018

We are starting to distribute Night Scenes 2018, so if you would like a copy it’s just £4 to society members, £5.50 otherwise.  Cannot be certain how many copies will remain once all those spoken for have been dispatched, so don’t delay,

We don’t have to remind you how indespensible this almanac is, so don’t delay.  Price will be £4 to paid-up Members (it actually retails in outlets at £7), non members £5.50p. [Read more about Night Scenes 2018]

WDAS Subs 2018

Just to remind everyone subscription renewals are now underway for the coming year.  Rates will be kept at 2017 levels, ie £12, with subsidised rates at £6.

You can bring subs along to the WDAS monthly meetings in December, January or February at the very latest.  Mark will also doing the rounds sometime over the festive holidays, so no pretending to be out! [Read more about WDAS Subs 2018]

As part of the Dark Skies festival held throughout February half term across North Yorkshire and beyond, our society will be hosting a ‘star party’ at the Danby Moors Centre.  And the RAF Fylingdales event planned for January 18th, and organised by York A.S, the base, with assistance from us, had to be cancelled, victim of the wintry conditions... [Read more about Dark Sky Night – Danby Moors Centre]

Christmas Meal 2017

Our Christmas meal at the Hare and Hounds once again proved a great success with ten members making it to the banqueting table.  The food was excellent, the wine flowed (favouring certain parts of the table more than others) and the company, most convivial.  Crackers, crackers... [Read more about Christmas Meal 2017]

We have now booked the Hare and Hounds for Dec 15th (Friday).  The booking is initially for a dozen at 19:30h. 

If you would like to come along (the food is excellent and the evening most enjoyable) we shall continue taking names, rank and serial numbers at the December society meeting on the 5th, failing that please contact Mark Dawson.  First come, first serve. 

Taxi arrangements will be discussed at the meeting. [Read more about Society Christmas Meal 2017]

Having bumped into Sean Paling, director and Senior Scientist at the Boulby Underground Laboratory the other week in a local watering hole, we briefly discussed the possibility of a visit to the facility down in the mine... [Read more about Boulby Mine – Dark Matter Facility]

WDAS subs 2017

It will soon be time for sub renewals for the coming year.  Happily society subscription rates will be kept at the same level as last year, ie. £12 for adults with subsidised rates at £8 for under 16s and over 75s... [Read more about WDAS subs 2017]

We have been invited by York AS to join them for a star party at RAF Fylingdales on Jan 18th 2018.  We are however required to furnish Martin Whillock at YAS with details of all those wishing to attend by Nov 30th... [Read more about Fylingdales RAF base star party]
