Forthcoming Events

  • The Society will be involved in several star party events in February coinciding with the half term ‘dark skies period from the 21st to the 28th.
  • The Fox and Hound at Ainthorpe have teamed up with the Danby Moors centre for the 21st 22nd events.
  • We will be at the Fox and Hounds Inn on the 21st and the Moors Centre the following evening.  Details will be given in the January or February notes.
  • On Feb 28th we have been invited by Angelique Russell to try again at Fylinghall School, hopefully with clearer skies this time.  Again, further details will be forthcoming in the Jan/Feb notes.

The Hare & Hounds at Hawsker will again be the venue for the Society Christmas meal.  The date is December 14th at 19:00h.  Click to see the menu, and if you are interested in a festive feast, please let Mark know your course choices at the December meeting... [Read more about Society Christmas Meal 2019]

Night Scenes 2020

As of publishing we are still awaiting Night Scenes 2020, but they should be with us soon.  We have ordered 25 copies and if you want to reserve a copy please contact Mark.

Stop Press: Night-Scenes have left the Printers!  Hopefully they will reach us in time for the WDAS December meeting. If not, we will inform you when they do.

Reluctantly the price of Night Scenes has had to be increased slightly, but even at £5 (for Members) it still represents outstanding value.  [Read more about Night Scenes 2020]

Off the Treadmill

After working the thickest end of four decades at Fylingdales, society stalwart Andy Lawrence has finally vacated the work treadmill and retired. After starting at Fylingdales in a cleaning capacity before moving to the stores, Andy eventually finished as a materials controller... [Read more about Off the Treadmill]

Transit of Mercury

Well, it wasn’t a total cloud out for the transit of Mercury on Nov 11th after all, that said, the window of observing opportunity was limited to an hour or so during the early afternoon (at least from the Whitby and district area).  Several members did manage to get out and view the transit during this period, taking a few nice images of the event... [Read more about Transit of Mercury]

The final star party in October, requested and organized by Chloe Barker and tied into ‘The Unblinking Eye: 55 years of space operations on Fylingdales Moor’ exhibition at the museum, looked most unlikely to go ahead less than six hours before it was due to start.  Rain was still failing during Saturday afternoon 24 hours after it had started!  However the forecast (and crucially the timing of it) was right for once, with colder, clearer conditions spreading down by late afternoon, just in time for the event to get a green light... [Read more about Star Party on 26th Oct 2019 for the ‘Unblinking Eye’ exhibition]

Society Christmas Meal

To be discussed at the November meeting and booked shortly after. [Read more about Society Christmas Meal]

As you may know this was originally intended to be a two evening event, however as interest was more forthcoming for just the Saturday, Colin and Vicky dropped the Friday evening from the program.  Friday, as it transpired was a clear night, great for observing.  Saturday was ‘orrid (at least it wasn’t windy), and although the BBC forecast still offered some optimism, the Met office one did not.  The Met office was correct and any lingering hopes of some clear breaks were quickly extinguished by the rain... [Read more about Fox and Hounds – ‘Stargazing Night’]

Scouts visited

It’s been a while since i was last in the ‘drill hall’ on Bagdale, spent many an hour there in the past.  This was (and always has been) the venue for the Scouts, and as conditions in the sky were once again no good for observing, it was our destination on 3rd October 2019. [Read more about Scouts visited]

This is before our next monthly meeting so better give details in the newsletter... [Read more about Danby Dark Sky Event on 2nd November 2019]
