Monthly WDAS society meetings have recommenced.  The venue is Whitby School (formally Caedmon College - Nornanby Campus, formally Whitby College) Prospect Hill site.  [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings - Bruce Observatory Open Nights]

The 2024 WDAS Christmas meal has now been booked for December 21st, if you are a member and would like to come along and haven’t already contacted Mark - don't delay only a few places remain.  [Read more about Society Christmas Meal 2024]

Bruce Diary

Time again for our monthly round-up on the observing highs and lows experienced at the Bruce Observatory.   [Read more about Bruce Diary]

The second of two events hosted at Whitby Youth Hostel during half term week was almost a carbon copy of the first, no observations, cloud cover, good crowd, and yet another indoor show.     [Read more about Whitby Youth Hostel Event - Nov 1st]

In this month's edition:

  • Planetary Skylights
  • December Meteors - Aurora Report
  • Winter Solstice 
  • December Night Sky
  • December 2024 Sky Charts

  [Read more about Sky Notes - December 2024]

Having been contacted by West Cliff primary School with a view to holding a star party evening, we were looking forward to the event, being one of the few primary schools within the town we had not yet visited. [Read more about West Cliff Primary School Event]

For our annual visit to Westerdale, we were hoping to continue the observing run of the last 3 years, and until a few days before the event date it looked as if that would be the case.  Friday 25th Oct proved to be a misty, overcast day, which predictably remained so throughout the evening... [Read more about Westerdale Star Party 2024]

The first of two events at Whitby Youth Hostel in the half term week frustratingly coincided with what little wet weather we had in that period, yet again forcing us inside and another successful observing failure.   [Read more about Whitby Youth Hostel Event - Oct 27th]

Bruce Diary

Time again for our monthly feature on the observing highs and lows experienced at the Bruce Observatory.  Read in awe and wonderment (or just bewilderment) at our observing prowess or lack thereof.   [Read more about Bruce Diary]

The 2024 WDAS Christmas meal will soon be booked,  (sometime after the Novemeber meeting), so if you would like to come along please contact Mark - details within.   [Read more about Society Christmas Meal 2024]

Please note the October monthly meeting scheduled for tonight (Oct 1st) has been rescheduled for Tuesday October 8th instead, start time 7:30pm.  The venue is Whitby School (formally Caedmon College - Nornanby Campus, formally Whitby College) Prospect Hill site.  [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings - Bruce Observatory Open Nights]

In this month's edition:

  • Planetary Skylights
  • Comet and Aurora sightings
  • November Meteors
  • November Night Sky
  • November 2024 Sky Charts

  [Read more about Sky Notes - November 2024]

Monthly WDAS society meetings have recommenced.  The venue is Whitby School (formally Caedmon College - Nornanby Campus, formally Whitby College) Prospect Hill site.  [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings - Bruce Observatory Open Nights]

We have a busy October Star Party schedule, with events being held in Westerdale, West Cliff Primary School and two events at Whitby Youth Hostel - Weather permitting of course.  





  [Read more about WDAS October Star Party Schedule ]

The scheduled star party on September 14th coincided with fine conditions during the day - unfortunately cloud stole in for the evening, putting a stop to any observations. [Read more about Star Party - September 14th Report ]
