One of the highlights on the WDAS observing calendar is undoubtedly our annual visit to Hook's House Farm Campsite.  Just when it looked as though a second visit would be required, our luck changed....  [Read more about Hook's House Farm Event - Report ]

In this month's edition:

  • Planetary Skylights. 
  • Comet C/2023 A3.
  • October Meteors and Aurora sighting.
  • October Night Sky.
  • October 2024 Sky Charts.

  [Read more about Sky Notes - October 2024]

The scheduled star party on September 14th coincided with fine conditions during the day - unfortunately cloud stole in for the evening, putting a stop to any observations. [Read more about Star Party - September 14th Report ]

We have a busy October Star Party schedule, with events being held in Westerdale, West Cliff Primary School and two events at Whitby Youth Hostel - Weather permitting of course.  





  [Read more about WDAS October Star Party Schedule ]

Monthly WDAS society meetings have recommenced.  The venue is Whitby School (formally Caedmon College - Nornanby Campus, formally Whitby College) Prospect Hill site.  [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings - Bruce Observatory Open Nights]


One of the observing highlights on the WDAS calendar.

Hook’s House is an excellent dark site location situated on the B1447 overlooking Robin Hood’s Bay. If the weather is fine the campsite should be full and as long as skies are clear, or clear enough, we should have a cracking evening.

7 September, 2024 - 20:15 to 22:30
Hooks House Farm
Whitby Road
YO22 4PE Robin Hood's Bay
United Kingdom

A Public Star Party, weather permitting, near the Captain Cook monument on West Cliff. Planetary Observations.


14 September, 2024 - 19:45 to 22:15
Captain Cook Headland
West Cliff
near YO21 3HA Whitby
United Kingdom