Jupiter remains the dominant planet in the night sky high up in Gemini.
It is actually best placed to observe for quite a few years - well clear of more turbulent air found lower down. Through a telescope Jupiter is a rewarding object to view, especially the first week of March when there are several transits of Galilean moons across the disk so that the shadow of the moon will be visible. The great red spot is also turned towards us during the mid evening period. Not surprising then that National Astronomy Week runs from March 1st - 8th with Jupiter as the focal point. Our moon lies nearby Jupiter on the 6th.
Mars is now visible by late evening low in the Southeast, though is still best observed in the dawn sky. The red planet resides in Virgo - to the left of its chief star Spica with which it is in conjunction with on the 31st. Mars is now in retrograde motion i.e. heading east to west Telescopically Mars exhibits a very small orange disk which will not improve until Mars reaches opposition next month. The moon lies nearby Mars and Spica on the 18th.
Saturn and Venus both lie in the dawn sky. Saturn rises in the early morning hours over in the southeast, whilst Venus is seen as a brilliant object low down in the same direction an hour before sunrise. The moon lies near Saturn on the 21st and Venus on the 27th.
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