The anual WDAS members subscription rate renewal window is about to expire March being the final meeting for those members wishing to renew society subcription rates in person at a society meeting.  Rates for renewal for the coming year will remain the same as last year.  They are as follows:- 

Adults - £12.   Under 16 - £6

For anyone wishing to join the society, the initial membership fee is £15 - which if renewed the following year will drop to £12. 

You can pay via fast track bank transfer payment methods acceptable (such as BACS) Details are:- 

Acc no: 15269760

Sort code: 77-71-73

Acc name: Whitby & District Astronomical Society 

Bank: TSB

Please can anyone paying this way use their name as a reference.

If paying by Cheque; make out to: Whitby & District Astronomical Society.

Please address to Ms E. Hoyle, 4 River View, Sneaton Lane, Ruswarp, Whitby. YO22 5JA

Or, if you prefer you can simply come along to the next society monthly meeting and pay then.  It would be most appreciated to have existing members' subs in by the March meeting. Thankyou for your continued support.