North York Moors Railway - Stape Outstation Event
The NYMR Outstation facility at Stape
On paper this looks a very interesting event and will require assistance from WDAS members, especially if skies look likely to be clear. After being contacted by Macey Palmer - Learning and Interpretation Officer for the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, we shall be hosting a Star Party event at their Outstation facility located at Stape. The event will be on Friday 3rd November starting at 7:30pm running until around 9:15pm. Stape is situated in a wide valley between Egton and Pickering, around 16 miles away from Whitby.
Members of the public have booked via NYMR and will be bused out to Stape from Pickering. The Outstation boasts good facilities and refreshments will be available. Given the location, skies should be very dark - with minimal light pollution, and if clear should be stunning. The most direct route is via Egton Bridge and along the Wheeldale road (approx. 35 minutes from Whitby). However the route taken may be dependent on the amount of rainfall in the coming days, with the road liable to flooding at Wheeldale Gill ford. This may necessitate going the A169 route via Pickering. Mark will keep a close watch on the situation and contact those members wanting to come along. We shall need to set off by 6:15pm at latest to arrive at the Outstation for 7:10pm allowing time to set up - whatever form that may take - indoors or out.
See for details.
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