After just the two Lunar parties held in June and July, weather permitting August is scheduled to be somewhat busier with a number of events being held as planets become visible in the evening sky - weather permitting. The first date will be Saturday August 6th – normal location West Cliff – Cook headland from 21:00hrs.
Whitby Regatta is back! Will the weather be kind...
The following weekend is Whitby Regatta with the society’s involvement over the weekend days. Things get a little complicated for these events. There will be two solar events. The Saturday event will be located next to Grovers Optics stand on the West Cliff opposite Royal Hotel facing Sea – Mark will be there from late morning – although the official timings are from 13:30hrs to 16:00hrs.
The following day will be from the usual location of the grass area adjacent to the 'mini carting' and trampolines on the West Cliff. If members can assist we aim to be setting from 13:00hrs. The evening star parties (Aug 13th & 14th) will be held from the Pitch and Putt area, just behind the Archery Green on the West Cliff. These will commence from 21:00hrs, (setting up before this). Again, if any members are available to help with transport of equipment or generally assist it would greatly be appreciated, especially if skies are clear. Please contact Mark.
or will it be typically 'Regatta'... we shall see!
The last full week of August is Whitby Folk Week, with Scheduled Star Parties planned for Aug 20th and 26th from 20:45hrs. West Cliff - Cook headland as usual.
We are scheduling a further Star Party on Aug 28th, the Bank Holiday Sunday, but from the Pitch and Putt area – (Regatta location) from 20:45hrs.
Finally, we have a date for the Hook's House Farm Campsite event (located on the B1447 down into Robin Hood's Bay), this will be on Sept 3rd from 20:15hrs, arriving by 20:00hrs. More details next month.
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