WDAS monthly meetings have now finished until the autumn The next formal meeting will be Tuesday October 1st.   

We will endeavour to host as many star parties over the summer recess period as weather and celestial objects allow.  The light evenings of the summer months always pose a problem regarding public star parties and is made more difficult this year with all the planets located in the dawn sky.  This leaves just the Moon and Sun to aim at.  

There will be one scheduled event for July - Friday 19th - a lunar/solar event starting from 20:45hrs BST on Whitby West Cliff – near Cpt Cook’s monument - as usual.  If the weather is really kind Mark may be tempted to host another, unscheduled event on the 13th, but even the Moon is playing hard to observe in July! 

If you are new to the area and would like to join the society or have become interested in the night sky and want to take 'one small step', please do come along, you will be very welcome.