We were hoping for clear skies for the Spring star party event at the Fox and Hounds - Ainthorpe on Friday April 7th. Instead we were stood, forlornly gazing up at overcast, gloomy skies and it was so nearly different. Host Colin had spent the day under chiefly clear blue skies a mere 23 mile away at Castle Howard, expecting conditions to be similar nearer the coast. Conditions at the coast were totally opposite, cloudy and after a brief brighter interlude during the afternoon, the gloom returned and spread inland.
Mist, drizzle and murk!!
Disconcertingly, forecasts were almost unanimous, more of the same plus fog! By early evening it was evident clear skies would not be forthcoming. Keith, Brian and John L were all stood down and Mark alone travelled up to Ainthorpe, with just a dobsonian in the boot for company. On arrival Mark joined John McCue in the bar for a half of beer - and were then joined by Reuben and Robin who had travelled over from Guisborough with their dobsonian (a 10" Stellar Lyra). Only then did we learn that Colin had enjoyed clear skies during the day, only for them to disappear within the space of a few miles as he travelled back over the moors. At least the cloud base was somewhat higher than we travellers had experienced - visibility down to 100 meters over the moors. With nothing to view we talked shop, had a good look at the Stella Lyra - which looked a very nice instrument and made future plans. But sadly, no viewing.
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