As you will be aware if you visit the WDAS website regularly, Sunday evenings from October to April are set aside for observations from the Bruce Observatory at Whitby School.  Members and public can come along to look through the 5" Cooke refractor.  We say every Sunday, in reality 70-75% of evenings will be ruled out due to adverse weather of one form or another. When conditions are conducive however, the vintage 5" Cooke refractor housed within the dome can provide some truly memorable views, especially of the Moon and planets, the f15 focal ratio of the 5" Cook ideally suited for this purpose.

The Bruce Observatory. (Click for larger image)

December started where November left off - under a sea of cloud, the first scheduled event (Dec 1st) a casualty.  Mark, John and Keith did venture up in some fool's hope after partial clear skies were noted early evening.  Unfortunately, by 7pm these had all but disappeared and we instead contented ourselves inspecting some donated eyepieces, and not looking through them! 

Sunday 8th also failed to deliver - skies predominantly cloudy with just a few short-lived breaks in them, certainly not good enough for observations. Mark did check the top carpark at the school to be sure no one had turned up in hope rather than expectation, but no.  There was one last chance before the Christmas and New Year break, but as it turned out December 15th was virtually a carbon copy of the previous Sunday, rather windier though.  A Full Moon dared show its veiled face, but it was pretty much the only face visible, just a solitary star briefly apparent from time-to-time.  Mark found himself sitting in the top carpark again, the radio his only company.   

WDAS members, steps and Cooke refractor(Click for larger image)

The pre-Christmas observing report is rather lacking then, hopefully Santa will bring a pillar case full of clear nights, otherwise Rudolf gets it!   As a footnote, the following Sunday evening was also clouded out - should we have been available... and Dec 29th too! 

Please note for anyone intending to come along the school drive gate now operates via an electric key code system which only certain WDAS members can access.  Please try to be in the school drive top carpark for 19:05hrs or contact Mark with a pre-arranged arrival time.  If not, you may have to use car horn or car head lights (if in vehicle), or shout, for us to become aware in the dome as the gates will be closed! 

'Night vision mode mode'. (Click for larger image)