Note the two Society Meetings in March (see below).

Welcome to the WDAS monthly newsletter for March 2020: a digest of the month's latest contributions to our website.  Below you'll find Society News: including write-ups of the Dark Skies events at Danby Moors Centre and the Fox & Hounds; forthcoming events; and naturally your Sky Notes for March.

Society News

Subscription renewals for the coming year are due by the end of February.  Subscription rates are £12, for adults with subsidized rates at £8 for under 16s.

You can bring subs along to the W.D.A.S monthly meeting in February, or if you cannot make the meetings Cheques are made payable to;- Whitby & District Astronomical Society, Please address to Mark Dawson - 33 laburnum Grove, Whitby.  YO211HZ.  Many thanks for your continued support. 

As of going to press just a few copies of Night Scenes 2020 remain.  Price is £5.

Our first event of the Dark sky festival weekend (first weekend that is) saw us return to the Fox and Hounds at Ainthorpe.  Our first visit last October had proved rather frustrating with low cloud and then persistent heavy rain, preventing any chance of observing, or indeed any outdoor demonstration occurring.  Indoor presentations were the order of the evening, which turned into an enjoyable affair.

Hopes were therefore high for something along similar lines, but this time with observations of the winter sky from the hotel beer garden.  Our hopes were dashed.  The rain mostly held off (until much later in the evening) the wind however was horrendous, no telescope would have held steady.  Intermittent cloud cover also didn’t help matters.  Mark and Keith had made the journey up, Mark having already transported several telescopes, poster boards and demo items up to the venue the previous afternoon.  Hosts Colin and Vicky (with new baby arrival) welcomed us on arrival and after setting up in the games room/come ‘lecture theatre’, Colin gave an introductory speech to the assembled guests (14 I believe) who were staying for the weekend’s events.  Mark then gave a presentation utilising Starry Night 8, showing what should have been visible in the late February night sky.

Every so often Colin slipped out to see if any decent cloud breaks would allow at least some naked eye observations to be made.  With less than 30 minutes before the scheduled dinner break, a thumbs up came and donning winter garb, we ventured outside and up to the stable yard buildings, where at least some protection from the exceedingly blustery wind could be found.  Using the laser pointer, Mark pointed out as best he could any winter constellations or stars which fleetingly appeared in a wreck of a sky.  It transpired 30 minutes was about as much as anyone could take in the wind.  Dinner called.  This was every bit as tasty as last time, and as conversations ranged across a wealth of subjects, continents and decades, it became apparent from the wind rattling and rain streaked windows, our evening was about done.

Only essential equipment was re loaded into the car, the rest (including scopes etc) was safely stored for the following evening’s event down the road at Danby.   Farewells were said (brief ones only as all the guests were booked into the Danby event) and the journey home made.


So, what would Saturday evening throw up?  Well, Mark first returned back to the Fox and Hounds in the late morning to reload the stored equipment and relocate to the Moors Centre.  This took quite a while, but at least it meant equipment was ‘on site’ for the evening.  Looking at the forecast for the evening prospects looked quite encouraging... and rather pessimistic at the same time!  Evening fell, Keith, Mark, Barbara and Mark journeyed up under ‘pessimistically encouraging’ skies, joining Paul Wood, who had been there quite a while already.  Paul Cass and Dr John McCue also brought their scopes along.


Portage of telescopes from upstairs and erecting on the front upper terrace then became our main priority.  Straight away teething problems arose with three of the scopes.  The Tal refractor head and tripod stand refused to marry up, so a shotgun wedding ensued and although not sited properly the two stayed intact for the remainder of the evening.  Mark thought the collimation on the smaller 6 inch dobsonian was off, but was ok for the evening.  The small meade ETX had to be taken out of line, as nothing could be see through it!  This was later found to be the diagonal mirror, which had come unstuck from its base and was rattling around in the tube.   A project for the weekend!

Fortunately there were enough instruments set up and functioning properly, and miraculously conditions were pretty decent, the wind had subsided considerably, skies were clear enough and it wasn’t perishing.  Over 70 people had booked for the event (including the Fox and Hounds contingent) and with lady luck favouring us, it was pleasing (to say the least) to observe some of the wonders of the winter night sky in relative comfort.  Mark gave a laser point tour, whilst people queued at the eyepiece to view the Orion nebula, Pleiades, M35 open cluster, the beehive, Mizar and alcor, Castor, Betelgeuse, M41 and a number of other deep sky objects.  The time slipped by quite quickly.


As agreed with Karen, following a tea and biscuit break, Mark gave a couple of quick presentations in the lecture room.  One on the celestial highlights to look out for this year, and another on some of the deep sky wonders to look for with a smaller scope.  Whilst the IT was getting sorted in preparation for this, the instruments outside were brought indoors – or packed away, just in time apparently as a small rain shower appeared from nowhere.


By 20:35h it was time to call a halt (Mark only overrunning by 5 mins)  I think the evening had been a great success, much appreciated by all those attending who perhaps don’t often get the opportunity to view deep sky objects from dark sky locations.  Karen was delighted with the positive feedback.   By 21:00h everything was packed away into the cars, and after final goodbyes we headed back home.

Many thanks to Keith, Barbara and Mark, Paul C, John and Paul W, Karen and all the staff at the Moor’s Centre, for making the evening work.  Considerably hard work goes into these events – and for once the weather came on board too!


We have been contacted by Allan Fishpool, lower key stage 2 Leader at Errington Primary School, Windy Hill Lane, Marske by the Sea, who would like us to assist with an event they are holding on March 13th (Friday).

The School is running a science week that week, culminating in the Year 3/4s being invited for a sleepover in the school on the Friday night, the theme for the week being space and astronomy.   They would like a star gazing evening, maybe with a campfire and stories of constellations myths, as well as indoor practical activities.

Sounds like an interesting evening and we would be happy to help out.  The arrival time for us is 19:00h, further details will be forthcoming at the March meeting.  If anyone can come along to help out who cannot make our March meeting, please drop Mark an email for details.

Our association with Ayresome Primary School & Lego Innovation Studio will be continued again this year after been contacted by Elizabeth Labelle; assistant Head Teacher (phase 3).

This year’s group of pupils (around 30 or so) will be stopping at the Whitby Youth Hostel from April 6th-10th  and we will be hosting a star party event for them on either the 8th or 9th, whichever evening according to the forecast looks best.

We have hosted these events for the last four years and they are much appreciated by the pupils, who according to Libby, seem to benefit from their time under the stars.  Start time will be around 20:15h on the Abbey visitor centre grass forecourt area.

Because Caedmon College’s Easter break runs from April 6th to the 17th, means that our normal Tuesday April meeting date on the 7th falls within this period, and the next Tuesday date will not be until the 21st, which is actually nearer the final meeting date in May.  

We have therefore made the decision to have our ‘April’ meeting on the last day of March – Tuesday the 31st March 2020.  (Well spotted Elaine!)  This will be at the normal time.  Think it makes better sense.

Last call for anyone renewing sub’s (most have been) Subscription rates have been kept the same i.e   £12, for adults with subsidized rates at £8 for under 16’s.

You can bring subs money/cheques along to the WDAS monthly meetings in December, January or February.  If you cannot make the meetings, cheques are made payable to: Whitby & District Astronomical Society.  Please address to:

Mark Dawson
33 Laburnum Grove
Whitby.  YO21 1HZ.


Whitby Youth Hostel - East Whitby - rear of Abbey vistor centre. Book now: email or call 01947 602 878 to reserve a space.


27 October, 2024 - 19:00 to 20:30

Observe the night sky with us at the Bruce Observatory, Caedmaon College - Normanby campus (formally Whitby College).

Observing Nights are held weather permitting: check for a relatively clear sky before leaving home. If in doubt, Mark can be reached on tel 01947 605516.

Please note the college drive gate is now operated via a electronic key code - so anyone wishing to attend must be at the car park at the top of the drive by 19:00hrs, unless an arrival time has been arranged with Mark/Keith after 19:30hrs.  Otherwise shout or bip car horn - we'll hear.

8 December, 2024 - 18:00 to 21:00
Bruce Observatory, Caedmon School Normandy Site (Whitby School)
Prospect Hill
YO21 1LA Whitby
United Kingdom