Did you see the Solar Eclipse from the Whitby area? Send us your photos and comments to enquires
whitby-astronomers.com, and check the gallery in a few days. We'll publish a selection. [Read more about Have Eclipse Pictures or Comments?]
For all Patrick Moore fans, a new Drama based on his long broadcasting career, is now available on BBC iPlayer.
This is the story of how the self taught astronomer, whose Moon maps were later used by the Apollo missions, became the presenter of The Sky At Night. But it's also the story of a mysterious love affair, and a window into the mind of one of the nation's favourite broadcasters.
It's 1957 and the little known Patrick Moore... [Read more about Radio Drama: Far Side of the Moore]
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In this month's edition:
- Planetary Skylights: Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn
- Meteor Activity: Virginids, Alpha Scorpiids and Lyrids
- The Stellar Baker's Dozen challenge
- March's Partial Solar Eclipse: how it turned out
- The Lion and the Serpent
- April 2015 Sky Charts
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The society has been invited to assist at an event being held by the National Parks Authority in October. This will be at the Moors Centre; Danby on Oct 31st and will be some form of star party/presentation format depending on conditions. Further details will follow later in the summer. [Read more about Danby Centre Visit]
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So, did you manage to observe something of the eclipse?
After the total cloud out' of the last major astronomical event; the early morning transit of Venus in 2012, the chances of viewing the most significant solar eclipse since 2003 at best looked in the balance, but sometimes luck does favour the optimistic.
So I suppose we should consider ourselves rather fortunate that the weather patterns altered, shifting the low cloud and fog which blanketed the area each morning in the days leading up to Friday, and that the forecast heavy cloud for the morning itself was considerably more patchy and thinner than predicted.... [Read more about The Day the Sun Smiled]
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Here’s a date for your diary, popular astronomer and top astro-lecturer Paul Money will be giving a presentation in Whitby’s Pannett Park Museum on Tues April 21st.
Paul will be presenting ‘Images of the Earth’, - our planet from space. Doors are open from 7pm for a 7:30 start.
Admission is £3 for adults and £1.50 for under 14’s. Homemade refreshments will be available. Anyone who has seen Paul before will know a great evening is in store. [Read more about Paul Money lecture ‘Images of the Earth’]
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