Planetary SkylightsIn this month's edition:

  • Planetary Skylights: Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Mercury all visible this month, as well as two asteroids (Ceres and Vesta)
  • Meteor Watch: Capri-Cornids, Alpha-Cygnids and Delta-Aquarids visible this month
  • July 2014 Sky Charts: a view of the constellations in July's night sky

  [Read more about Planetary Skylights - July 2014]

In this month's edition

  • Planetary Skylights
  • June Meteors
  • Summer Solstice
  • Noctilucent Cloud

May Meteors

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks on the 6th, but will be best seen on the night of the 5th around midnight [Read more about May Meteors ]

Having been so prominent over the last 5 months or so, Jupiter is finally dropping lower down into the west and so is best observed telescopically earlier in the month. The moon lies nearby on the 4th and again on the 31st [Read more about Planetary Skylights-May 2014]

Planetary Skylights                                                                                                       

Jupiter remains the brightest planet in the night sky high up in Gemini and although Mars may well be the centre of attention in April. [Read more about The Celestial Ocean - April 2014]

The Spring Equinox

The date of the Vernal Equinox and officially the start spring in the northern hemisphere falls on March 20th this year. This is when the Sun's path - the ecliptic, first crosses the celestial equator on its apparent journey northwards into the sky. [Read more about The Spring Equinox ]

Jupiter remains the dominant planet in the night sky high up in Gemini. [Read more about Planetary Skylights - March 2014]

February Meteors

The minor Alpha Aurigids meteor shower peaks from Feb 6 - 9th. Rates are only the same as sporadic levels (4-6) but if you do spot a a meteor heading away from the direction of the zenith, (overhead) where  currently Auriga resides at this time of year, it is likely to be an Aurigid! [Read more about February Meteors]

February Skylights

If you haven't yet spotted Mercury it may still be glimpsed during the first week in Feb low in the SSW evening twilight sky. Look for this elusive world 45 minutes after sunset no more than a fist height at arm's length above the horizon. By the 8th Mercury will lost in glare once again. [Read more about February Skylights ]

New Year Meteors

Quadrantids Meteor Shower.  Picture from Astronomy Magazine website.With a New moon on the 1st, you may spot a few shooting stars early in the New Year; especially on the evening of the 3rd, when the Quadrantids meteor shower peaks. [Read more about New Year Meteors ]
