Welcome to the WDAS monthly newsletter for August 2014: a digest of the month's latest contributions to our website.  Below you'll find Society News, Sky Notes and In-Focus articles printed in full.  There's also future events, and trailers for other articles which appear in full on the website - just a click away!

On the website you'll also be able to comment on articles, and if you'd like to play an editorial role in creating new content, just let us know!

If you don't see images in this e-mail, look for a setting in your browser or e-mail reader to display them; and if you have any other problems reading the newsletter please let us know the browser or e-mail program you're using, and we'll see if we can fix it.

Society News

The weather hasn’t been bad at all, in general, with some really clear nights in which to observe, especially mid week. The problem being Star Parties at this time of year are nearly always at the weekend, so I guess we have been unlucky in that still only one event has gone ahead.

Apart from genuine ‘cloud outs’, ether forecast cloud didn’t materialise or melted away unexpectedly or Mark was unavailable. (Very large sigh)

Yes, you get the picture, up to now it’s been one of those frustrating summers for hosting star parties. Eggs, basket, all and August, now springs to mind.  Here’s hoping for a whopper of late summer observing omelette!

W.D.A.S. Members have long enjoyed our monthly newsletter with Sky Notes, Society News, Event Write-ups and Forthcoming Events.  For the longest time Mark laboured long each month on the newsletter and then pedalled, drove and (in extreme weathers) swam far abroad making deliveries.

Since last year, we have been gradually increasing the newsletter content on the website.  And since the beginning of this year newsletter deliveries switched to e-mail.  Now we have the technology to bring website and newsletter together!

From next month, the website itself will publish and distribute the newsletters, giving lots of benefits.  You'll get:

  • The Sky Notes, Society News and Events still delivered directly to your inbox, but with more graphics and slicker presentation
  • A trailer of all the other changes on the website in the past month, with links directly to the full article, often with related video content, where you add comments to articles, ask questions and take part in the discussion.

So here's what to expect:

  • Some time in the coming month Members will get an e-mail from the website with pre-prepared account details (except for the Members who already have an account).  Just click the link to visit and log-in to the website with a one-time password.  You'll be asked to choose a new password, and then you're done!

Of course, we hope you'll be a regular visitor to the website; and if you would like to join the editorial team and contribute content, please get in touch!  Also if you find any problems with the newsletter please let us what's wrong (as well as the e-mail program/web browser you're using).  And if you have any suggestions, please give us your feedback!

In the News

If you noticed bright cloud low to the north after 11pm on July 7th, it was actually a fine display of Noctilucent cloud. These clouds are the highest known clouds in the Earth’s atmosphere, some 50 miles up, and shine with a characteristic silvery blue hue, and can be seen long after midnight low above the northern horizon at this time of year.


Observe the night sky with us at the Bruce Observatory, Caedmaon College - Normanby campus (formally Whitby College).

Observing Nights are held weather permitting: check for a relatively clear sky before leaving home. If in doubt, Mark can be reached on tel 01947 605516.

Please note the college drive gate is now operated via a electronic key code - so anyone wishing to attend must be at the car park at the top of the drive by 19:00hrs, unless an arrival time has been arranged with Mark/Keith after 19:30hrs.  Otherwise shout or bip car horn - we'll hear.

8 December, 2024 - 18:00 to 21:00
Bruce Observatory, Caedmon School Normandy Site (Whitby School)
Prospect Hill
YO21 1LA Whitby
United Kingdom

Observe the night sky with us at the Bruce Observatory, Whitby School - formally Caedmon College - Normanby campus ).

Observing Nights are held weather permitting: check for a relatively clear sky before leaving home. If in doubt, Mark can be reached on tel 01947 605516.

Please note the college drive gate is now operated via a electronic key code - so anyone wishing to attend must be at the car park at the top of the drive by 19:00hrs - unless an arrival time has been arranged with Mark/Keith after 19:00hrs.   

8 December, 2024 - 19:00 to 21:00
Bruce Observatory, Whitby School formally Caedmon college - Normandy Site
Prospect Hill
YO21 1LA Whitby
United Kingdom

Observe the night sky with us at the Bruce Observatory, Whitby School - formally Caedmon College - Normanby campus ).

Observing Nights are held weather permitting: check for a relatively clear sky before leaving home. If in doubt, Mark can be reached on tel 01947 605516.

Please note the college drive gate is now operated via a electronic key code - so anyone wishing to attend must be at the car park at the top of the drive by 19:00hrs - unless an arrival time has been arranged with Mark/Keith after 19:00hrs.   

15 December, 2024 - 19:00 to 21:00
Bruce Observatory, Whitby School formally Caedmon college - Normandy Site
Prospect Hill
YO21 1LA Whitby
United Kingdom