Nearly all W.D.A.S members subscriptions for 2014 have now been paid and once again memebership stands around the 30 mark. [Read more about WDAS Subs 2014]
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Nearly all W.D.A.S members subscriptions for 2014 have now been paid and once again memebership stands around the 30 mark. [Read more about WDAS Subs 2014]
There were a few differences this year. Firstly, because of work commitments Mark was unable to travel and therefore notes on the lectures were made by both Andy Lawrence and Andi Ye, so these will be a vast improvement on years gone by!
Secondly, only four lectures were given allowing a little more time for taking in the trade stalls (and lunch) and allowing an early finish. As two versions of the lectures have been submitted to Mark he has done a ‘mash up’ job including parts of both. [Read more about What happened at Leeds Astromeet 2013]